Monday, May 17, 2010

Bay Bridge Walk 2010

Yesterday, we participated in the Bay Bridge Walk/Run over the Coronado Bridge with my mom, brother, Aunt Teri and Uncle Steve. We got there kind of early and Johnny was already asleep, so John oh-so-carefully moved the carseat from the car to the stroller so we could head up to the start line to wait for my family. Normally, Johnny takes a nice morning nap in his stroller from about 7:45am to 11:15am. It was not a normal day. He woke up while we waited for the race to start, but he was in a good mood, so John took him out of the stroller and walked with him for the first half of the race. There were lots of people who thought he was SO CUTE that they needed a picture of him. For the first mile, random people would walk backwards in front of John to take a picture of Johnny in his cute little bear suit (courtesy of Auntie Julie). I should have been a little weirded out by strangers taking Johnny's picture, but instead I soaked up the flattery. Because really, he is pretty adorable. You be the judge.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! love the outfit!! he is sooo dang cute! :) I CANT wait to see you all Wed night!! xoxo
